Unique piece

Do you have an idea but you don’t know how to materialize it?
Do you want a unique piece of furniture or an object inspired by yourself and your space?
Are you interested in the Cals pieces, but you need specific measurements or finishes?

At Cals we have the necessary infrastructure to make your projects come true.
The ceramics workshop, the professional carpentry, the restless hands of Joana Descals and the collaboration with the carpenter Miquel Giralt, allow us to let imagination
and creation fly free and combine disciplines to create unique pieces of the highest quality.

Unique piece

Here are some examples of projects we have done. At the top, a wooden tabletop with hydraulic tiles.
On the left and in order of appearance: the house of the lambs, small concrete pots, concrete and wood stairs, sculptures for the “Burning man” skate show, wood and metal lamp, urban wood garden, pieces of porcelain.